Who is an immediate family member and what is a financial interest?

  • "Immediate Family" means spouse and dependent children.
  • "Financial Interest Related to the Research" means any of the following interests in the sponsor, product or service being tested, or competitor of the sponsor held by the individual or the individual's immediate family:
    1. Ownership interest of any value including, but not limited to stocks and options exclusive of interests in publicly-traded, diversified mutual funds.
    2. Compensation of any amount including, but not limited to honoraria, consultant fees, royalties, or other income.
    3. Proprietary interest of any value including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and licensing agreements.
    4. Board or executive relationship, regardless of compensation.

Any member of the research team who has a financial interest or has an immediate family member with a financial interest in the research must submit a Financial Interest Disclosure Form.

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