The MSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) serve to protect the rights of all individuals participating in research conducted by the University. Please feel free to contact a member of the HRPP staff or the IRB Chair for questions regarding your rights as a research participant, or to express concerns or complaints about human subjects research conducted by MSU. The HRPP staff or chair may be reached by calling the Office of Research Compliance & Security at 662-325-5220, or by e-mail at
If you have questions about the research itself (such as the time of your appointment, technical difficulties with an online survey, request to be removed from a mailing list, etc.), please contact the investigator conducting the research. The investigator’s name and contact information should be on the consent document or other recruitment information you received.
Alternatively, if you are concerned about maintaining anonymity in regard to any information you provide, you may contact the MSU Ethics Line to report an issue.
Please note that participation in research is always voluntary. You do not have to participate if you do not wish to do so.
Research Participant Satisfaction Survey
In an effort to ensure ongoing protections of human subjects participating in research, the MSU HRPP would like for research participants to complete this anonymous survey to let us know about your experience. Your opinion is important, and your responses will help us evaluate the process for participation in research studies.
or use the QR Code here:
Additional Resources
Ever wonder about your rights as a research participant? Look no further! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!
Questions for Participants to Ask
Not sure which way is left? We’ll help point you in the right direction.
AAHRPP Accreditation- How are Participants Protected?

Office for Human Research Protections: Becoming a Research Volunteer – It’s Your Decision