All personnel listed on active animal projects must (1) enroll in the Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP) and (2) complete Animal User Certification prior to beginning any animal work.
Animal User Certification training must be completed every 4 years and OHSP should be reviewed annually and updated as necessary. You may complete both initial, as well as refresher training via CITI.
If you have any questions regarding training, please contact Jess Marshall by email at
Animal User Certification via CITI
Personnel listed on an IACUC protocol must complete the Animal User Certification course. Completion of the required modules in the course "Working with the IACUC" takes most people 1-2 hours. Questions will be administered to test comprehension. You must pass all required modules with a combined score of 80% or better. You do not have to complete all of the modules at one time. You may stop and return at a later time to complete the rest of the modules by signing in with the user name and password you chose during registration. Instructions
The Animal User Certification via CITI Instructions:
Go to the CITI Program website at
Select Mississippi State University.
Once you are logged in, you should be on the Courses page.
View courses next to Mississippi State University.
Scroll down to find Learner Tools for Mississippi State University, click on "Add a Course."
When the "Select Curriculum" page comes up, scroll down until you see "CITI Course Enrollment Questions."
Answer the questions regarding which training courses to add (you may enroll in as many courses as you would like). Be sure to select "Working with the IACUC" if you are conducting studies that use animals. Additional species-specific modules are encouraged.
Click the blue Submit button.
On the Courses page you will now see the course. Click on the course name to start. You can stop and start back where you left off at any time.
Note: When you complete all required modules successfully, you may print your completion report as evidence that you have met the requirements. ORC&S will be notified by email that you have completed the course.
Occupational Health and Safety
All personnel working with or around vertebrate animals at MSU are required to enroll in the Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP). Once basic information such as name, contact information, and physician name is provided, the user will then provide medical information for assessment by the MSU occupational health and safety physician.
Note: ORC&S will be notified of your completion of the training once you have completed all of the required modules.
These evaluations are to be completed:
- When you begin working with or around animals.
- When your MSU work assignment changes.
- When your medical condition(s) change(s).
- When your risk related conditions change, including using additional species.
Occupational Health and Safety Instructions
All users: