Effective June 22, 2020, the Financial Disclosure Form is an eForm with sections for reporting Significant Financial Interests, Malign Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs, and Other Support. As existing Financial Disclosure Forms expire, you will be asked to re-take the FCOI training so that you will understand these terms and correctly complete the updated form.
To get to the Financial Disclosure Form, log into myState and scroll down half way down the page. On the left hand side, under the Apps & Services tab, click on eForms. Make sure you are under the "Employee" tab at the top. The disclosure form will be in the first box.
Financial Interest Disclosure Forms must be submitted at least annually and within 30 days of acquiring (through purchase, marriage, or inheritance) a new Significant Financial Interest.
If you have any questions about the Disclosure Form, please contact Jenny Davis at jdavis@orc.msstate.edu.